
Updating Dacom Crop Registration in the Flemish Fertilizer Register

Larissa Hendriks

Since this season, you can easily update your registrations in the Usage Register of the Fertilizer Register of the Flemish Land Agency with Dacom Crop Registration. Based on your registrations, you can export a CSV file, which you can upload to the VLM digital portal. This saves you a lot of time when updating your registrations with VLM. Here's how it works:

1. Install the Flemish Land Agency app once in your Dacom account. When installing, enter your Farm Number.

2. Then enter the VLM plot numbers once per season. After that, you can export the new fertilizer registrations to a CSV file with one click of a button every week.

3. By exporting only the new registrations, you prevent the same fertilization from being reported twice to VLM. You can optionally manually adjust the CSV file in Excel before uploading it to the VLM digital portal.