
Know what's happening in the land market in your region

Land users and owners gain insight into all leased agricultural land parcels in the Netherlands with the new tool Boer&Bunder Pacht. Not only does it display the type of lease contract, but it also shows whether the plot is leased sustainably and what reward is associated with it. This creates an independent, clear, and accessible platform for both tenants and landlords.

Since 2015, Boer&Bunder has been the digital platform that provides insight into parcel data in 7 European countries. Developer Dacom - a part of CropX - continuously works on adding and improving functionalities. Boer&Bunder Pacht is a new addition that will be launched on April 25 during the Boer, Bunder & Pacht event in Bunschoten-Spakenburg. This event brings together tenants, landlords, policymakers, land agents, and advisors.

Uncertainty eliminated
Boer&Bunder utilizes open data provided in the Netherlands by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Ivor Bosloper, CTO of Dacom, explains:

"For several years now, the Combined Declaration has requested information on the type of land use rights farmers have, in simple terms; which form of lease it concerns. We have also made it visible whether a plot falls under an Agricultural Nature and Landscape Management (ANLb) collective. This allows farmers to immediately see if they can participate with their plot. This potentially provides them with insight into an additional source of income."

Reward transparency
With her company Biodiversity in Business, Frederiek van Lienen is committed to the sustainable leasing of agricultural land. She explains what sustainability entails: "More and more landowners and lessors are setting standards above legal requirements for the use of leased land. Agricultural entrepreneurs want to comply with these requirements, but expect something in return. Long-term agreements for the period of use, for example, or a discount on the lease price. Boer&Bunder Pacht gives lessors the opportunity to upload their so-called lessor profile. This includes the reward system for the lessee. As an interested land user, you gain more insight into the possibilities this way. Launching partner ASR is the first to do this."

Also for municipalities
Leasing organizations such as ASR and Fagoed, as well as municipalities and the State Property Agency, all now have their own platforms. Boer&Bunder Pacht does not aim to replace these platforms but serves as a complement. "Boer&Bunder Pacht is also interesting for municipalities and provinces," adds Van Lienen. "Since the Didam ruling, they are required to lease parcels of land through a public tender. In the future, these parcels can be added to the platform. It is certainly not intended to conduct the actual bidding process through Boer&Bunder Pacht. The lessor manages that themselves."

"Know what's going on."
"We are aware that the land use titles can also be sensitive in the sector and therefore handle them consciously," emphasizes Bosloper. "The data comes from public datasets that do not contain sensitive information." Van Lienen emphasizes that this transparency is the great strength for the farmer.

"You can finally see what's going on in your region. You no longer need an intermediary for that. You will immediately see the type of usage agreement, the terms, rewards, and ANLb status. This creates a level playing field in the world of leased land. We've been talking about sustainable leasing for a long time. Now we're making it concrete together."

Boer&Bunder Pacht will be introduced on April 25 during the Boer, Bunder & Pacht event. Users with a Boer&Bunder Pro or Premium account can immediately start using the tool. Uploading lessor profiles is possible with the Premium account. Try the tool yourself directly at:

About Boer&Bunder and Dacom
Since 2015, Boer&Bunder has been the online tool to provide insights into parcel data for 16 million parcels across Europe. It's a widely used website by farmers, contractors, the agribusiness, and real estate agents. Boer&Bunder operates in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, and Denmark. Dacom Farm Intelligence is an internationally operating agri-tech company rooted in Dutch agriculture. Founded in 1987 by farmer Jan Hadders, Dacom focuses on innovations in advisory systems, sensors, and precision farming solutions. In 2021, Dacom was acquired by CropX Technologies, a global player in data analytics. Together, the companies serve nearly 25,000 customers in over 40 countries. More information at:

Biodiversity in Business is a consultancy firm focused on entrepreneurship with nature, landscape, and biodiversity. We work extensively in agricultural transition and connect agricultural entrepreneurs and regional stakeholders to collaborate on practical solutions and in regional processes. We don't write reports but work in the field. This involves finding a sustainable future perspective, establishing a regional cooperative, or developing a new business model. We stand for innovation through entrepreneurial collaboration. For more information, visit our website: