
Weather Data

Historical and current weather data from your own or a Dacom weather station

Weather Data

The growth and protection of your crops strongly depend on the weather. Weather Data will give you insight into the historical and current weather data on your field. This enables you to plan optimally and prevent diseases and frost damage.

Know the exact weather conditions on your fields. There can be great variations locally 

Automatic recording of weather conditions at Dacom Crop Recording for GLOBAL G.A.P

Review your crop by comparing the weather with crop growth and treatments carried out. 

View and analyse weather data over time with an overview of historical data

Export and easily share your weather data with others

Discover all possibilities

Reliable and local weather data in the crop

With Weather Data, you will know the exact weather conditions on your fields. The data originates from your own weather station or a Dacom weather station. The data is hourly updated. This will help you make the best decisions for your crop.

Dacom Weather app

With the Dacom Weather app, you will always be aware of the latest measurement data. You will instantly see the precipitation amount at all available weather stations. Download it now.

Automatic recording of the weather each time you spray

With Weather Data, we automatically record the weather conditions as soon as you record spraying or any other treatment in Dacom Crop Recording. This makes it easy to meet the requirements of GLOBAL G.A.P. certification. 

Review your crop with collected weather data

We show the collected weather data of the nearest weather station for all crop fields in Dacom Crop Recording. This makes it easy to review your crop by comparing the weather with crop growth and the treatments you have carried out. 

Historical data

Produce an overview of historical data of all your collected weather data. In addition to all weather data, you will see the minimum, maximum and average figures for the selected period. 

Export and easily share your weather data with others

Create a list of all weather data with one click on the button. Export the list to Excel and share it with others. 

Weather Data

  • Local weather data of a weather station
  • Dacom Weather app for iOS and Android
  • Automatic recording of weather in Dacom Crop Recording
  • Weather data in timeline of crop fields
  • Historical data
  • Exporting and sharing weather data

Learn more about Weather Data