
Disease Management

Advice on the use of plant protection products

Disease Management

Crop diseases pose a risk to your yield and the quality of your harvest. With Dacom Disease Management you will know when and where you need to apply a plant protection product, and which type. As a result, you will keep a strong and healthy crop.

Save on spraying and prevent loss of yield and quality of your harvest

Aim for cost savings and sustainability by applying preventative measures in time

Review your plant protection plan on the basis of the annual advice 

Comply with all the required measures of Planet Proof and receive extra bonus points

Link to Dacom Crop Recording to record spraying and observations

Fine-tune your advice by linking your own weather station 

Discover all possibilities

Disease advice for all your fields and crops

You will get direct insight into the contamination risk of fungal diseases for all your fields. You will see which fields need which degree of attention and what kind of fungicide can be used to prevent or control an infection. 

Insight into infection risks and protection of your crop

Deciding whether or not to spray on the basis of Dacom Disease Management requires trust. That is why all our advice is justified by reasons. For example, our charts show the infection risk of a fungus and the level of protection of your crop. 

Dacom Disease Management app

With the Dacom Disease Management app you can view all advice in the field. You will get a notification when you should enter a new crop observation. This will keep all your advice up to date. waarnemingstabellen. Zo zijn je adviezen up-to-date. 

Spraying with more awareness on the basis of annual advice

At the end of the growth season, you can review your plant protection plan on the basis of the annual advice. This will show you when spraying was the right decision and when it was unnecessary. 

Crops and diseases

Dacom Disease Management has been developed and validated for most crops and diseases in cooperation with scientific experts. Savings of more than 40% in practice have been demonstrated. 

Disease Management Pro

  • Up to 300 hectares

Disease Management Premium

  • Up to 600 hectares

Disease Management Enterprise

On Application
  • Meer dan 600 ha

Learn more about Disease Management