
CropX has launched a new mobile app!

We have listened to what customers appreciated, enjoyed, and wanted to change in the old app, and then made adjustments to better meet their needs and provide a more enjoyable experience. The new app is faster, more reliable, and even easier to use.

After building features for 6 years on the original app architecture, we knew we needed to start over to create an app that had the usability and functionality to grow with us as CropX expands its capabilities. While we focused on a user experience that feels like an intuitive update, it's actually a completely new app built from the ground up.

The result is a mobile app that allows users to access and organize information faster and easier, while also improving internal processes to make the app faster and more reliable. The new app is also more scalable and enables us to quickly add new features.

Key improvements include:


  • New app navigation for easier browsing and data discovery
  • Improved shortcuts for common actions such as adding new data, connecting to sensors via Bluetooth, and more
  • New left/right swipe gesture to scroll field data
  • Easier navigation between fields and sensors, various types of graphs, and more
  • Powerful new search and filter functionality
  • New display mode options
  • Switching between list mode and map mode to view multiple fields


  • Larger buttons and fonts for easier outdoor use
  • Improved response time for faster usage

New features

  • "Missing sensor readings" message
  • Simplified location confirmation screen
  • "Last measurements" notification

Communication processes 

  • Improved communication with the sensor (BLE) and streamlined workflows with the hardware

This update accomplishes all of this while retaining the functionality of the previous app version and laying the groundwork for future improvements. In the coming months, we will update the app with even more features. Exciting times ahead!