

Link precision farming to crop recording


Cloudfarm makes viewing and applying field data as easy as possible. It only takes 5 minutes to create a prescription map. Start with the basics of precision farming and develop in stages to further automate your business.

Get insight into the variety of your fields instantly 

Explain differences in the field with the Cloudfarm-app 

Create prescription maps for better use of agri inputs

Work efficiently and accurately by exchanging field boundaries and way lines.

Wireless communication with your tractor for convenience and speed

Link precision farming to crop recording

Discover all possibilities

Direct insight into the variety of fields

With pre-prepared field data, histograms and statistics, Cloudfarm gives you direct insight into the variety occurring in your fields: soil type, altitude maps, NDVI, WDVI, soil potential, draining lines and shadow map 

More analysis with your own machine and sensor data

Import soil scans, drone images, yield measurements or machine tasks carried out. This way you can review precision spraying and even better analyse differences in soil, crop or crop treatment. 

Share carried-out contract work with customers.

Print reports of carried out tasks. Or share carried-out contract work with customers digitally. For example the yield and humidity percentage of combine harvesting or the fuel use of ploughing or turning over the soil. 

Scout fields with the Dacom Cloudfarm-app

With the Cloudfarm-app, you take all the field data with you in the field. With the GPS on your phone, you see exactly where you are. Once you are in the field, this is the perfect app to investigate the cause of differences in crop growth or yield.

Better use of agri inputs with prescription maps

Add a prescription map to a plan in your crop recordings with one click. You can see instantly what field data is available in Cloudfarm for the selected field. It takes less than 5 minutes to create a prescription map.

Targeted weed spraying with observation map

Many root weeds, such as thistles and yellow nutsedge, are concentrated in specific parts of the field. By recording these parts in an observation map, targeted spraying can be carried out later with a prescription map.

Working accurately by exchanging boundaries and way lines

Working efficiently and accurately is one of the advantages of precision farming. With Cloudfarm, you can exchange field boundaries and way lines. This means all displays will work with the same data. You can also draw or move way lines yourself. 

Link your tractors for convenience and speed

With our links, you can send a plan or prescription map wireless to your tractor. Tasks carried out in your terminal will automatically go to Cloudfarm. This means you only have to record crop data in one place. 

Automate your crop recording

Tasks carried out by machines are automatically linked to Dacom Crop Recording. We automatically copy as much data as possible, such as the treated area, the duration or the product application rate. This means less effort for you and more accurate reporting.

Cloudfarm Pro

  • Up to 300 hectares

Cloudfarm Premium

  • Up to 600 hectares

Cloudfarm Enterprise

On Application
  • More than 600 hectares

Cloudfarm Contractor

On Application
  • Customization for contractors
  • More than 600 hectares

Lees meer over Cloudfarm