
CropX Sensor

Robust soil moisture sensor with three measurement depths

CropX Sensor

Easy to install, advanced soil humidity station with a mobile app and access to our web application. The station gives you extensive information about the soil humidity situation for optimum irrigation management. This shows you directly when, where and how much irrigation is required.

Easy to install

Measuring soil moisture, temperature, and electrical conductivity (EC).

Access to the Dacom and CropX application and mobile app.

Equipped with a rechargeable battery.

Detailed graphs for optimal irrigation management

Expert support

Discover all possibilities

CropX Sensor

The CropX sensor is a compact and robust soil moisture sensor that provides insight into all relevant soil parameters. Soil moisture, soil temperature, and electrical conductivity (EC) are measured at three depths. The sensor measures at three depths and is adjustable as needed.

Current soil humidity situation in one overview

The mobile app shows you the measurement data of your stations in one overview. This shows you directly when, where and how much irrigation is required.

Reliable measurements

Thanks to the measurement principle where the sensors are located at the tip of the helical-shaped probe, you are guaranteed to measure in undisturbed soil. This contributes to the most reliable measurements. The data from the CropX soil moisture sensor can be easily viewed in the CropX platform or the Dacom platform. 

Detailed information on the online platform

In our application, you get comprehensive information from your stations. This is displayed in detailed graphs and in a personalized dashboard.

Wireless soil humidity station

Due to the rechargeable battery and the integrated data logger, the CropX sensor is completely wireless. The measurement data is sent to your account every hour via 2G, 3G, or 4G (depending on the location). 

CropX Soil Moisture Sensor

On Application
  • Robust soil moisture sensor with three measurement depths

Lees meer over CropX